Salem Common Ice Scream Bowl (Formerly known as "Scooper Bowl")
Today I stayed inside and Dad went out with a senior group.
I watched tv most to the day. Tonight we had BLTs for supper. And then we went out to the Salem Common for the Annual Ice Scream Bowl, where ice cream shops such as Ben and Jerry's and some local owned shops had samples of their ice cream. You got a card with the ice cream shop names on it and at each booth there was person that check or punched your card. The lines were long I had about 4 small cups of ice cream or frozen ice. So that means I went to 4 booths of about a dozen there. Not bad after having a BLT for supper to do that. Dad had a couple more and was stuffed. We met more neighbors and I finally met one of my sister in laws' friends that was supposed to come over one day to keep me company while Dad went back to Bristol to do some business (don't worry there was a sub, Matt stayed.).
Tonight was a perfect night for this ice cream scream fest. It wasn't at al humid, there was a little wind an a little cool. The people here are so friendly and neighborly. I had a ball and got stuffed at the same time.
There is always something going on around here. Especially in the summer up to November.
I am still in the midst of unpacking and finding things. Matt found my computer cds. I was looking for my bag of baseball caps. I am so glad I left my pink B baseball cap out. Everyone I saw tonight commented on it.