My Day Alone
Today Dad went to Danbury. I was home alone. Sometimes I like it. But today the forecast was for a thunderstorm and I hate them. Well it rained but no thunder or lightening. Dad was home by 3:30 and we had spaghetti, salad, and Itailian Bread for supper. I also made it easier to post here. I have a photo album for my emoticon group. I fixed it so that if I have a problem signing in here I can do so there and it comes here. I did a test which you probably have seen. Disregard it. Well The New Supreme Court Justice was sworn in today at the White House. He has another swearing in on Monday when Court starts it's session. And there may be an announcement Friday or Monday on who will replace Sandra Day OConnor. I am crossing my fingers it is a woman. I don't want Ginsburg to be alone.