My first Drs Visit after latest Surgery
Today we were up by 6. Had breakfast, dressed and left for a 9 am appointment w/Dr. Brewer. She was still pleased with my progress. She still wants to see me next Wed. Next week we made for an afternoon appointment. I can sleep in and still take my bath, wash my hair. Almost finished with my anibiotic too. 3more on Thurs and 2 on Friday,I believe. I can't wait. Nothing like taking pills,yuck.
The rehearsal for Music Man in which my Dad is in is going ok. I will be going to either the mantinee or one of the night showings (Mostlikely a night showing.) That is in a couple of weeks.
Oh btw I am getting up in my chair now. Today it was for the Dr's appointment and dinner, of which we had chicken and salads. And now at 10pm on my laptop. Going to bed at 11 though. Can't wait til I am back to normal schedule.