Interesting Outing Day
Hi, Today (a rainy day) Dad decided to go to the New Britain Connecticut Museum(?sp). Well he thought it opened at 10. We got there about 10:20. It was closed, but a lady who saw us out in the rain offered to open the lobby door and let us in. She did it for a couple more who though the that the open time was 10.
It was kinda interesting. I liked he portraits of people rather than the ships, and fruit, etc. I even saw a portrait of a former Governor's Daughter. Don't remember the name. But it was from the early 1900s.
Then we went shopping for a baseball cap. I lost my favorite pink rimmed and pale blue cap at the hospital last week while seeing Dr. Runowitz(sp?).
I got 2 caps one Dad said he will wear. Both Boston Red Sox. Some of you in my family will appreciate that. One is all blue with the red B. and the other is blue with the White front and Red B on white.
I like that one the best to tell you the truth. I did see one I really wanted which was a pink one with a blue B, but not in my size. All child sizes. Even though I wear 10-12 in child's clothing my head is big because of my shunt mostly.
We went to several stores TJ Max ad Marshalls. We also went to JobLot just to look around.
We got home just in time for me to see the 2nd half of As The World Turns.
We had Calzones for dinner.
I am now watching tv, anything that looks good.
Good NIght.