Fun Day
Today was a fun day. I got up and Dad washed my hair, then I dressed.
Today the kids came down for a visit. We had a great time. My niece brought with her some interesting things for us to look at. Matt went upstairs to the attic and his old room to search for more stuff. He left here with old baseball cards and a few things for the kiddies to have. They are growing so big.
We had pizza from The Pavilion. I had a snack of it a little later on and now I am stuffed. And sat around talking.
Can't wait for Spring and nice weather, then we can do more traveling and visit more often.
Right now I am watching CBS and just finished a game at Delphi Forum's Trivia Club, I belong to. Didn't do too badly for being late tonight. I had sooooo much email to catch up on. There is another game at 10.
Well enough for now. Good Night All.