Our Mclean Weekend
Saturday we were up by 6. Had breakfast, dressed and were off and driving by 9. Got to Mclean in a good time despite traffic tie ups.
The Mclean Alumni meeting was the usual. But still fun to see familiar faces. The dinner thought was not as good as the last time. We were able to see old friends of my Dad's, of which have become my Email Friends.
After the meeting we were off to Salem to spend time with the kids. I didn't get out after this til we came home because it got unseasonably cool and I didn't have warm clothes,(Never depend on the weatherman.). But I still have fun non the less.
My niece and nephew are growing like weeds. It is fun watching them play. Dad had gotten my nephew 2 matchboxs, one was a truck like ours. And the other was like a bulldozer type. My nephew barely had them out of his reach the whole time we were there. And I played Connect 4 with my niece (She is a good Connect 4 player.) She got me just about every other game. Last night I heard her reading a book with my brother. She is getting very good at reading. Dinners were awesome! Saturday Night we got Pizza, and Sunday was fish, with asparagus and a salad. The fish was just as good as my Dad makes it. Matt had grilled it.
Monday we got up and Dad and Matt took Susannah to school and then to Matt's office to look at it and also get some pictures of the weekend Matt took with his camera printed up. Speaking of which he gave us his old digital camera. Dad will use it til he gets used to how it works, then get a new one and give me the this one. I cannot wait. Won't be long. It is really cool. About 11 Am we took off for home stopping at Sturbridge MCDs for lunch. The funny part of going home was the weather. Talk about New England weather, lol. One minute it sprinkled the next sunny, then sprinkle again, etc. This went on til we got home to Connecticut. At times you could see the storm clouds off in the distance.
When we got home we unpacked and I checked my email and then we had supper, of you guessed it leftover pizza Dad got last week. I am all "pizzaed out". One more piece of pizza I am going to scream. ;)
I played and checked email after dinner til bed. I really couldn't sleep last night for some reason. Maybe the excitement of the weeekend. I really can't wait to go up there again.
Thanks for reading.