My Day

What happens to to a disabled person during the day.

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Year Is Here

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Sorry I haven't written lately,but I had to catch up on email. We had a wonderful Christmas in 2005. We were in Salem for the weekend. My little niece, who by the way isn't so little anymore. She is growing like a weed, was the center of attention. She got alot of nice gifts. And she had a ball unwwrapping all. We had a nice dinner that my brother cooked. It was Turkey with all the trimmings. Though some brought or made side dishes and deserts.

I got some nice gifts, a tea mug, a hand held Hold EM Poker game and a hat and a yearly planner. Dad's gift is coming. He just hadn't had the time to get it. Matt cooked the big bird and was it good.

Well I just heard today that Loo Rawls died. What a voice!!!! There also was tragedy in West Virginia with mine cave in. Only one survivor. He is holding his own.

The hearing on the new Supreme Court Justice to replace Sandra Day O'Conner begin on Monday.

I got some disheartening news. One of my Doctors is leaving UConn to go home to Virginia, Dr. Nash. He sent a letter to all his patients about a going away party. He did say he was leaving the Cancer Center in good hands though. A woman, who is involved with the Cancer Society of Connecticut is taking over.

I will miss Dr. Nash, he has such a warm humorous sense of humor, almost dry, but his smile speaks volumes.

We had some excitement the other night. After I logged off we must have had quite a snowstorm or wind, but it knocked our landline phone for a day and a half. So I missed just one night of online service.

If all goes according to plan I should be an aunt again by the middle of next week. Cross you fingers all.

Well that is it for now. Take care. Good Night