First TGIF in November
What a Friday. It started out about the same. Then this afternoon we had 2 car accidents with in a mile or so of each other. One was off of Rt 72. And the other near First St. Dad said that the police said they were related. The second was some woman trying to squease by during the first accident which was of a flatbed truck. I do not know all the particulars,but it was doozy.
I had the rest of a big muffin and tea for breakfast.Thats why the coffee cup for my picture tonight. For lunch I had a Keylime yogurt. One of my favorite flavors. I also like Lemon Chiffon and Vanillia Bean.
For supper we had cheeseburgers, tomato, and dill pickles. I had a maccaroon after dinner. I have 6 left. This is from the carepackage my Aunt Betty and Uncle Bud sent us.
Well, looks like the Royals may have had a pleasant trip even though they also toured the Hurricane areas of LA. They are talking about the Royals now on Larry King as I write this. It seems that there is no disagreement on Charles and Camilla. That they are happy. And that she is really a down to earth person with a good sense of humor. Good Luck to them both. They have at least 30 to get it right.
Good Night