My Day

What happens to to a disabled person during the day.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Another Week Half Gone!!!

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Today is Wednesday November 2. This week is half over!! Where did it go?!

I slept most if it in bed again today. As a matter of fact I do not even barely remember this morning. I know I had a 1/4 of my muffin and Milk and then went back to sleep. Dad did some business out.

I got up at 2. And grabbed an orange soda.

For supper Dad made a favorite, my late mother's maccaroni with cheese, stewed tomatoes and mushrooms. I love it, so does the rest of my family.

We then called my Uncle Bud and Aunt Betty. Now there is a pair. They are something else. We got a package in the mail today. Dad couldnt figure it out. In it was cookies, and some candy I presume was left over from Halloween. It was postmarked yesterday!! now that is fast service. My Aunt Betty is something else. My brother and I are very lucky. They even have a celebration at the beginnig of Summer. My Dad and I have Birthday's close together. Dad's on June 22 and mine on the 20th of June. And for some years Father's day happen on either birthday.

We have a good time.

I still remember a few years ago when I was in the hospital. My Aunt Betty sent a care package. Filled with my favorite treats she makes and crossword books and a little flat game where you try and get the numbers in the right slots.

Talk about passing the time away with that. And eating the goodies.

Well I am here and I finished the Necco waffers that was in that care package today. I had 2 maccaroons and I am now wondering what next to eat. My appetite is getting better and better.

I see on the news that Prince Charles and Lady Camilla of Cornwall are in Washington, DC. I saw the arrival of diginaries on C-Span. Now they are showing a vote on the House Floor. I presume they will go back to the White House when the toastes begin. They usually do.

It is very interesting, 20 years ago Charles came with Diana. How time flies.

Well I guess some Democrats are wavering and citing with Bush's new nominee to fill Sandra Day O'Connors seat. Cross your fingers people that there is not a political war. That is all we need.

Good Night one and all.