My Day

What happens to to a disabled person during the day.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Week finally over

Another week finally over. Ahh, don't you just love Fridays? I do.

Another throwing his hat in the Presidential 2008 race. I just heard Christopher Dodd announce on tv. He better get a move on. All the others are well ahead of him in the public eye.

Dad called my dear sweet brother early so that I could go on early to fix some email application problems I was having late last night. I have decided to dump Apple's Mail 2 in favor of Eudora 6.2.4, which I just read from a list for Eudora I am on, just announced that is it. They are not supporting anymore updates at I like Eudora's interface in that I see what is in the message when it downloads and I don't have to click on reply or fwd to read it. And it holds attachments better.

Now what do you think of this cold weather we are having those of us on the North East Coast? Brrr! I would rather have what we had in weeks past. Nice mild cool temps but nice sweater weather.

We had veggie pizza tonight. A break for Dad. I love it. He does too.

Well I heard from the grapevine that my blog is being read. I know I send the link to family and friends but others I know say that they have gotten the link from these friends and so on and so on. All seem to like it. I must admit I am no Jane Austen(?sp). But then again I am not from that time or place.

Give me a good mystery or biography or autobiography and you cannot get me away from it. Just finished a Mary Higgins Clarke book. Love her work. She had one of her early book turned into a movie and most of the people that were in soaps in the early 80s was in it. The name of the movie was Cradle Will Fall, or something like that. I know because an actress that started in Guiding Light back when it first started was in it, Charita Bauer. She played Bert Bauer on the show and oddly enough they used most of the GL character's names in this movie. I guess they got Mary's permission to do so. I read the book a couple of years ago. Dad got it at the library as one of those throwaway books you see in those bins every once in awhile.

Well enough for now. Good Night