My Day

What happens to to a disabled person during the day.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Quiet Thursday

Today I had breakfast in bed it was so cold to get up. Dad made me a toast with lemon marmolade and tea. I finally got up around 10. Dressed and Dad took off. He came home sometime after 2:30. We had toasted cheese, tomato, bacon sandwiches and finished that nice sweet coleslaw from the other night. I really wasnt feeling too good in the tummy til I had a bowel movement around 7. I went on about 7:45 after I felt better. I couldnt get into blogger tonight kept getting a browswer cookie error message. I have cookies enabled and I throw away my cashe for this site every night I post so I cannot figure out why all of the sudden it happened? I use IE 5.1 for Mac. I am on an IMac G3 OS 9.1. I had never had that problem before. I got in anyway after I had a computer crash. I even tried my Opera 5 but it froze. Well I guess I have to upgrade. Maybe get an Ibook.