My Day

What happens to to a disabled person during the day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Since we last wrote

I have found a bag of M&M's I missed. I had my flu shot. Next is H1N1 and Guiding Light, after 72 years, went off the air. So Sept has been busy. Oh yeah I got stung on my middle left finger too, lol. That has been what I have been up too. I also got my health insurance settled.

Today we went to the PEM. One of our favorite places to go. It is a Museum. The had a sea exhibit Dad wanted to see before it changed. It was nice. We only stayed on the first floor this time. Even so there was a lot to see.

Matt and BA are away and Dad and I and Sue, who is up are sharing baby-sitting until Sunday. Tonight Sue has them tonight and they are going to have a "sleep over" kind of night. So they seemed excited. That should be fun. Can't wait to hear what they did. This morning Dad made sure they had breakfast and got them off to school. While Sue picked them up. Though they all stopped by to say hi and pick up a few things for Nana's and Bumpa's, which is across the street.

Like I said earlier GL went off the air after 72 years. They had an interesting ep. At the end they sped it up a year. So we saw charaters having had babies or having another. More couples married, etc. Interesting way to end it. Though I am sad. I am not out of a recapping job. We need recappers to sub so I told my "boss I'd sub for any other CBS soap. She was greatful. I also will be doing the GL Actor bio page which was done by someone else and is not what the "boss" really wanted. She likes my style of doing things so after I did a character bio and sent it to her for an example she told me I had the job. And told me to take my time. I also now help out a guy with his chat site. I monitor it with a couple of other ladies. So I will be kept busy during the cold winter days and nights.

Dad made stew last night and so we had leftovers tonight,"YUM"!


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