Computer Crash Weekend
Well, just when you think things are good. All breaks loose. My computer had a major crash, so to speak. I was online most of Saturday then after supper I went to go on and my computer would not go to desktop. It would start up then go to second screen and stop. So all last night I tried everything I could think of to fix it. Then this morning I called my brother. Who suggested a total uninstall then reinstall. I also upgraded to OS 10.4.11 which it did while I was eating Sunday supper. I didn't know it until I came back and checked to see if all was ok. I noticed when I looked at the About this computer that I know had OS X 10.4.11. Well now I don't have all I need but that is ok. I do need email addresses so if anyone is reading this, family or friends reply to my message when I send the blog link, please, thanks. Other than that everythikng in hunky dorie,lol.
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